Monday, August 15th, 2005...5:00 am

The Sunday Times
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I got a call from a journalist working for The Sunday Times last week, who wanted to talk about knitting in the context of young women “reclaiming” homecrafts and “making them cool”. I winced a little at the journalist’s spin on our preferred pasttime, but I was happy to talk to her. The end result was this. Me and Knitting Hill get a mention towards the bottom.

This was also the point at which the reality of the phrase “you can’t believe everything you read” came true. She made up a whole bunch of stuff, including when Knitting Hill started, and all that cashmere shrug rubbish.

Ah well.


  • i see what you mean about not believing everything you read. the journalist seems like a bit of an idiot. or, rather, she wanted to make the women who engage in homecrafts seem like idiots.

  • There is still much sniggering about what we choose to do with our spare time, normally by the people who who have no hobby to speak of. They don’t know what they’re missing do they?

  • Actually, I’ve read a lot worse knitting articles than that in the past two years, but yeah, how annoying that they have to make stuff up. I’m sure you told her plenty of things that were much more interesting and yet they have to fabricate quotes. The same thing happened to my knitting group when the local paper visited us earlier this year. No such thing as bad publicity though?

  • Indeed. I kinda had the feeling she didn’t have a clue what she was going on about/making a load of rubbish up to fill up the word quota. In any case, I’m sure the publicity will be great for the KC. All the best, A x

  • Mmmmh. I think the tone of the article is somewhat offensive, belittling of homemaking and crafts, e.g. “some are even exhibiting their knitting” … Good for you, though :-))

  • love the bit at the end implying that we’re a bunch of sad old anti feminists then saying “If Jonny Wilkinson was at the door I don’t think these women would be too bothered about making fairy cakes do you?” Yep girls drop your own interests, there’s a man at the door. That MUST take precedence!!!

  • I think it’s interesting how people are so quick to psychoanalyze the recent resurgence of knitting’s popularity. The author of that article also totally failed to recognize that guys are knitting, too, which means that knitting’s comeback can’t be all about young women wanting to play Susie Homemaker when they come home from their Big Corporate Jobs. For most of us, knitting has less to do with our domestic tendencies and more to do with a plain-old yen to express some creativity. Really, it’s that simple! I wish people like that author would stop trying to make it into something more complicated.

    Sorry for the rant! By the way, the Bloom vest is actually super-easy; I just have to make another piece exactly like the first one, then sew up the sides & I’m done. If you decide to make it, let me know; I’d be happy to share my sleeve revisions :)

  • I received an odd email a few months ago – can be viewed here under ‘Bizare email’

    I didn’t even bother replying….

  • that article is completely offensive! what’s wrong with the writer? i can see the argument on the reemergence of these hobbies and feminism, but seriously why does our knitting necessarily have to do with our being liberated or not? i feel pretty ok, myself… i just like knitting… it’s too bad that writer hasn’t been living in the same decade we have…

  • Those who dismiss craft and cookery as chained-to-the-kitchen-sink related activities are all so concerned with meet the expectations of a “modern woman” (whatever that is) that they forget to enjoy themselves.

    Why not be creative and enjoy yourself in the pursuit of keeping warm and/or looking cool!

    Re: the comment about Jonny Wilkinson, maybe

  • (continued…..)

    …..maybe they just need to get laid and get over it.