Friday, October 21st, 2011...10:01 am

Rhubarb & Rose
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With baby number two arriving in single digit weeks, a confirmed diagnosis of ASD for our dear boy, antenatal appointments, appointments with therapists and paediatricians, and trying to get an ABA programme off the ground, there shouldn’t be much room for anything as trivial as blogging.

But then a parcel arrived this morning and it reminded me that I have been meaning to post about April of Rhubarb & Rose fame for ages. Spike has been taken off for a jaunt by Daddy, so I am seizing a cup of tea – and the moment – to correct my error. This is of course a cheat-post as I am pressing someone else’s hard work into service, but I hope April will not mind the exposure (to my three readers), and I get eye-candy and a post out of it!

The parcel contained these creatures…


Most British parents of toddlers will recognise Nok Tok, Yojojo, De Li and Lau Lau from Waybuloo rendered in cake pop form. I commissioned them from April for my dearest friend’s birthday. She is a new mother, a yoga-aficionado and watcher of Waybuloo, so I thought they were a sweet choice. I shouldn’t be surprised at how awesome they are. April has a track record – a good one.

We had a Very Hungry Caterpillar-themed second birthday party for Spike back in March and April made this fantastic arrangement of cake, cupcakes both big and small, and cake pops for us.

April has more pictures of the comestibles on her very beautiful blog here. The fruity cake pops, in particular, were irresistible in both form and flavour and were sampled by almost everyone. I thought it was almost a shame to eat everything, but thankfully there was a gaggle of toddlers who thought differently!

In April, I hosted a retro red and white-themed baby shower (think bakers twine and stripey straws) and April ran a cake pop workshop. It was such a fun thing to do and lovely to learn a new skill.

I can’t claim that ours turned out as beautifully as April’s, above, did, but they were still pretty cool. The class was wonderfully organised and everything was supplied, including the balls of red velvet cake, so we could focus on the important business of decorating.

Finally, when faced with the birthday of a quite-difficult-to-buy-for male relative, I turned to April for help once again. The relative in question is an orthopaedic surgeon (who likes cake), so I commissioned some bone-themed cake pops.

I love the contrast between the stark bony appearance and squidgy red velvet cake I know is (or was) lurking within.

Anyway, I hope you’re getting the idea that April is some sort of cake pop wizard and you should go to her for all your cake pop needs. If you require further proof, do torture yourself into a state of drooling imbecility by reading her blog, or by reading her fabulous new book.

[I pinched all the lovely pictures from April's blog, apart from the Waybuloo ones.]

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