Tuesday, October 7th, 2008...5:41 am

plug it
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Two dear friends (one, technically my finace) have started new blogs recently, which I will be reading with zeal, and not just because they are friends and loved ones.

DF is a true gourmet, epicure, connoisseur, epicurean, glutton, gastronome, gourmand, bon vivant, bon viveur – call him what you will – he loves food.  It is good news that he has finally got around to setting up foodiefoodie, his virtual outlet for all things comestible (that sounds a bit gross).    foodiefoodie will include restaurant reviews, recipes, star foods, recommendations and his exploits in the vegetable patch.  It will make for particularly interesting reading if you live in London, as many of the restaurants visited will be in London, but by no means all.  Stop by if you are into your grub.


You know when someone comes up with one of those ideas that makes you think “Dangit.  Why didn’t I think of that?“?  Do You Remember the First Time is one of those ideas.  The author of the blog has decided to spend a year doing things for “the first time” and recording her experiences on a blog.  I think it’s a fantastic way of seizing life by the proverbials.

Mrs First Time is a hard working professional lady and has a wee (very cute) kidlet to boot.  I imagine that the joy and excitement of doing things for the first time is very fresh in the mind as your child reaches those early milestones.  I applaud her for capturing some of that excitement for herself!  I hope I remember to.

I’ll be following her progress avidly.

Other people who did random things for a 365 day period:

I hope you don’t mind the plugs, but I think you’ll agree they are both cool ventures.

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