Sunday, April 23rd, 2006...3:26 pm

A little rich
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After my tidy up a couple of weeks ago, the WIPs which I so carefully placed in their handy grab bags have been weighing in on me. WIP guilt. So, this weekend’s FO tastes sweet. It’s my simple ribbed Colinette scarf.

My first inspiration for this project was a scarf of the same name over on Fig and Plum’s blog (get well soon Catty, BTW). At the time I was looking for a straightforward pattern to show off the lovely Colinette Skye yarn. The rib worked perfectly. I had a few issues, as the yarn pooled in a very symmetric argyle fashion (you can see a close up here) – a reminder to alternate skeins. I managed to start the second skein so that the arglye pooling continued in the second half.

Skye Scarf FO

However, when the scarf was finished, my little pom-pom maker, acquired in Singapore, was crying out to me, hence the embellished state of my “simple scarf”. This is a scarf for the gift box. It was nearly made unsuitable to give to anyone, when I cut my finger with a scalpel blade (great for pom poms, not so great for cack-handed, over-enthusiastic crafters).

I also managed to put my short row demons to bed, so Maggie is officially in progress. I was messing up when it came to knitting the wrapped stitch on the following row, but I seem to have worked out what I’m doing. I’m still a bit nervous about this project, it being My First Real Garment and all, but one step at a time.

My mum has picked up her needles again (I’ll see if I can get some progress shots of the sweater she is knitting), and she has scolded me for being too scared to knit a real sweater, so I’ve had to get on with it, or lose face!


So, my blog is probably going to be plagued with boring progress shots and whinging about how hard picking up stitches is (my next challenge). Apologies in advance!

Finally, DB and I celebrated a small anniversary this weekend and on Friday he took me to dinner to celebrate. We went to Locanda Locatelli, which is a wonderful Italian restaurant in London. We were seated next to someone my DB had encountered previously in business circles, but didn’t acknowledge, given that we were dining as couples, and who wants to talk business on a Friday night? Anyway, they left shortly after we arrived. Eh. I feel bad about this, but I spotted their receipt on the vacated table, or rather, I clocked the numbers on it, and check this out…


I know, I know. I picked up someone else’s receipt, but hey – it’s not a illegal (I’m a lawyer, I should know), and I’ve got a blog public to keep happy (you wanted me to show you, right?). A £500 tip?! I can reveal that £900 meal was mostly wine. A little insight into how the other half lives.


  • I love the addition of pom-poms! And I love Colinette Skye, I just wish I didn’t have to order it from Colinette direct, because the Giotto starts tempting me, and then I think “Well, might as well get some Point Five whilst I’m here” and then I have no money!

    Wow. The grand total on the receipt is pretty much the same total as my next student loan installment (tomorrow! Finally!). Impressive. Hope you enjoyed your meal, though!

    Good luck with Maggie :)

  • Wow what a bill- we recently had a meal at a very posh hotel and it was £250 for four of us and I thought that was outrageously expensive – oh how the other half live indeed – imagine being in the position to give a £500 tip – fabulously decadent ! Well done for picking it up !

  • Sneeky girl. Sounds like Giorgio lves up to his reputation. Good to know. Scarf looks lovely, great pom poms.

  • They must have been well pissed to give what amounts to a 50% tip! I bet the waiters and waitresses went home with a smile on their faces that night. And good luck to em!

  • Good grief! I’m in the wrong job.

    Good luck with Your First Real Garment. I’ve bought yarn for mine, but I can’t pluck up the courage yet!

  • I love the pooling in your scarf! The scarf I made recently has a zigzag pooling effect as well.

    Wow! a £500 tip! My God, I would be happy if I received it!

  • Whoa… clearly I’m in the wrong profession. I wonder how different $900 wine tastes compared to $100 wine?

    Maggie’s going to look great! It’s such a pretty pattern.

  • Lovely scarf. What colour is the Colinette Skye?

  • I’m a complete sucker for pompoms – the scarf looks fab!

  • WOWWW! A £500 tip??? In my past life the most I made in one tip was a “measly” £30 (and I thought the guy was crazy for tipping me that much!)… I must have been working in the wrong place! Maybe I should consider abandoning the world of design and rethink my career ;)

    I love the scarf :)


  • for a moment, I thought that was written in like… Lire or Yen or some foreign currency.
    To give £500 as a tip -lets just hope the waiters/waitresses deserved it and that the blokes were rich enough to afford it as, if they’d spent most of the £900 meal on wine, they couldn’t have been sober! I thought £50 for tea at the Ritz was extravagant…